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Short Term Goals:


1. To apply for at least 2 jobs a day during the summer to land a position upon graduation.

2. To be on the dean's list for the Spring 2013 semester, with a G.P.A of at least 3.5

3. To stay in contact with at least 3 professor's from my Spring 2013 semester, and send      them emails regurarly, and visit their office hours during the Fall 2013 semester to maintain a positive relationship with them.


Long Term Goals:

1. To work at an event planning or fashion/ modeling related firm by May 2014.

2. To volunteer with a non- profit organization to help with the planning of events by the time of graduation in December 2013.

3. To increase my cumulative G.P.A. from a 3.1 to a 3.5 by the time of graduation in May 2013.  


My strengths are that I am persistant and determined. I am not easily discouraged and  complete all assigned tasks with 100% effort. I am friendly and get along with others. Rarely am I faced with confrontation,and my outgoing personality shines through at any place of employment. Because I have been working since the age of 15 I am aware of how to provide great customer service, and how to act in a professional work environment. My weaknesses are that I can sometimes get sidetracked or discouraged. Procrastination is one of my flaws. I always complete assignments on time, but occassionally will wait until the last minute to do things. This is something I have worked on and has greatly improved. I have opportunities in many fields because my degree will be in Business Administration, which can be seen as broad, as management is needed in any company. Threats include other students who have graduated with the same degree and a possibly higher G.PA.. I believe my outgoing personality and sociable skills will allow me to stand out against competitors.

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